Last evening we hosted about 100 industry professionals at the Black Bottle Tavern to celebrate the founding of Pacific Building Group!

We would like to thank each of you who joined us at our launch event last evening, and for those of you who were unable to attend, you were missed!
It was a great evening of networking, laughing and enjoying each other’s company along with great food and drinks. A big shout out to the staff at the Black Bottle who did a great job hosting us for the evening!
I wanted to follow up with a brief overview of Pacific Building Group and our various service lines as many of you expressed interest last night in learning more.
Please feel free to follow up with any of the point people listed below or directly with me if you have any needs or questions!
Pacific Construction
Pacific Construction is a commercial general contractor, we can help with projects ranging from ground up, tenant improvements, exterior envelope improvements (roofing/siding/windows), etc.
Pacific Facilities
Pacific Facilities is a “commercial handyman”, jack of all trades service provider where we aim to support building owners, property managers, facilities directors, etc. with maintaining, repairing and upkeep of their properties. We don’t do janitorial, but we can help with just about anything else like apartment turns.
Pacific Ironworks
Pacific Ironworks is a full service metal fabrication and installation business, we recently purchased a building in McCleary (outside of Olympia) where we do all of the fabrication and we load up our trucks and will install just about anywhere. The shop is really cool, let me know if you would like a tour sometime.
Junk B Gone
Junk B Gone is a junk removal / hauling business, we have four trucks and we’ll come on site and get rid of just about anything you need. Trash dumped on your property? Get rid of tenants personal property? We’ll come get it same day. We primarily work for commercial customers but will also come and get stuff from your home, too.
Deep Sentinel Cameras
Deep Sentinel is a new product line we just picked up where guards monitor the cameras in real time and can intervene to stop crime before it happens. The guards can intervene via two way audio (which actually works wonders) and/or call law enforcement as the crime is in progress which improves law enforcement response. The tech is amazing and if you have property you want to protect, this is a low cost way to do it that beats hired guards and reviewing security footage after the crime happens. Checkout the Deep Sentinel YouTube channel for lots of videos of crime being stopped in real time.
Thank you all for your support of the company we’re building here at Pacific Building Group, and as always, please reach out to me if I can be helpful in any way!
Photos from the Event!